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We always believed in democracy, never issued boycott call, says head of banned Jamaat-e-Islami | KNO

‘Decision about taking part in assembly election will be taken later’



kno news

Pulwama, May 13 (KNO): Jamaat-e-Islami has always believed in the idea of democracy and the decision about taking part in the assembly election will be taken later, the head of the banned organisation said on Monday. Speaking to the media persons after exercising the franchise, the head of the organisation's panel, Ameer-e-Jamaat, Ghulam Qadir Wani, as per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), said they always believed in the idea of democracy and have never given a boycott call. "In the name of the freedom movement, many parties came into existence and related slogans of boycott in the name of Jamaat-e-Islami but that was not true as Jamaat has never given the boycott call," he said. "We believe in democracy and want to resolve all issues democratically. We have mentioned in our constitution that we will not do anything that is against the government." Wani said the decision about participating in the upcoming assembly election will be taken later. "As of now, Jamaat is a banned organisation and cannot contest elections," he said after casting his vote in the Goosu area of south Kashmir's Pulwama district. Once the ban is over, then any decision regarding taking part in assembly elections will be taken, he said. When asked about youth in large numbers coming to vote, the Jamaat leader said it is an encouraging sign. "Youth need to work together in a way to create a better environment which will be free from social evils," he said. There is a need to work together to fight against social issues like drugs, corruption and other evils, Wani added—(KNO)


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